Those interested bought and downloaded an audio track as access to the experience, which consisted of listening through headphones and following a series of directions inside a supermarket, over a duration of 25 minutes.
The piece is based on the premise that during the confinement, the supermarket was one of the few places that could be accessed, perhaps the only usual one for most people. It was there that a certain distrust of the virus could be generated, of those who only went out to do the shopping and were forced to wear masks and keep away from each other. The proposal assumes a ubiquitous spectator, where the site-specific is transferred to infinite site-specifics. In addition, several specific instructions were proposed for the experience: that the supermarket should have a butcher’s and fishmonger’s, that Mercadona would not have some of the necessary products, that people should go to a known place at busy times and that they should press play when they were with their trolley at the entrance.